The question of the day is: What in the heck do you do with gourds!? 
So for those of you who planted gourds this year here is what you do:
-Pick all of the good looking gourds, avoid the bruised and the frost bitten...
-Place the gourds in a dry place, and preferably on a rack
-Let them sit for six months!
-Follow my blog and I will post a bunch of gourd crafts!

Anyone who didn't plant gourds this year is welcome to join me in my quest. I have dozens of these beauties in my garage right now that are up for grabs

So I will be breaking out the gourd crafts in six months time!

11/15/2013 10:21:02 pm

I remember we had gourd plant when I was a kid!! We would cook it with would taste so yummy!!


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