Today I went on a cruise.
But actually not really. I rode on a boat to get to an island around Dar. We got on the beach and ate some food that we brought under a shade umbrella and on some chairs. Then, the guy in charge came up to us, and told us that we would have to rent the chairs we were sitting on. And the shade umbrella that we were sitting under. It was 3 dollars an hour for the umbrella, and 1 dollar an hour for the chairs.
We decided to go for some free shade under a tree instead. There were only about 15 other people the island, so I guess they were a little desperate for money...
We explored the more remote part of the island. We hiked around in the thick woods. It was amazing! There were huge rocks all over the trail. It almost looked like lava rock, but we observed it more closely, and figured out that it was coral! This whole island used to be a coral reef!
We explored the more remote part of the island. We hiked around in the thick woods. It was amazing! There were huge rocks all over the trail. It almost looked like lava rock, but we observed it more closely, and figured out that it was coral! This whole island used to be a coral reef!
After walking across the length of the island, we took one of the pathways leading off the main trail. We discovered a hidden beach with broken up coral and shells all along the shore. I had never seen so many intact sea shells in my life! They still had hinges and you could open and close them. Not many people had been on that beach. It was kind of our own little discovery
I was happy for an adventurous day.